So you Know your hair porosity... now what?


Well to answer the above question, you can now pick better hair products and build a hair regime more suited to your hair.

Low Porosity

Low porosity has a very tight bound cuticles that overlap each out and lay flat. This makes the hair resistant and repels moisture meaning it is harder to moisturise as it does not allow moisture into or out of the hair shaft. This hair is also harder to chemically process as it is resistant to chemical penetration. 


  • I know we preach avoiding shampoo because it strips your hair, but if you have low porosity hair, shampoo is your friend because your hair is prone to product build up. I have low porosity hair and I have recently swapped my co-wash days (where I used to wash my hair with conditioner) and started using Aunt Jackie's Co-wash and my hair LOVES IT. 
  • Avoid protein rich conditioners as low porosity hair is prone to protein build up which can leave your hair feeling straw like and stiff
  • Humectants such and glycerine are your friend as they attract moisture. 
  • Use moisturisers that are rich in emollients such as shea butter, argan oil (FAV!!!) , jojoba oil, coconut oil etc
  • Use moderate heat when deep conditioning. You do this by getting a heating cap or by wrapping your head with a warm towel.
  • Add glycerine to your daily spritz
  • Consider Apple Cider Vinegar and Bentonite Clay hair mask to detox your hair every few months 

Products recommended for low porosity hair



  • Argan
  • Sweet Almond
  • Jojoba 
  • Grapeseed

Normal/Medium Porosity

You are lucky if you normal porosity hair as this hair requires the least amount of maintenance as the cuticle layer is positioned in such a way that the right amount of  moisture enters while preventing too much from leaving.


  • Not really much to change. Doing protein rich deep conditioners every now and then is advisable. 
  • Use conditioners with hydrolyzed proteins and mix your conditioners with Aloe Vera Juice
  • Use heat protectants when using heat on your hair as damage while styling can increase your porosity and life will stop being so easy.
  • Creamy moisturisers with olive oil, coconut oil and jojoba. If you cannot find one with jojoba, just use jojoba afterwards. 
  • Mixing you spritz with a little glycerine, aloe vera juice and water. 

Products recommended for normal/medium porosity hair

Just keep using the products you are using.

High Porosity 

High porosity hair is normally damaged hair due to over processing or excessive use of heat or damage from the environment. It can also be due to genetics. The cuticle has gaps which means it allows too much moisture it, leaving it brittle and prone to frizz and tangling, especially in humid weather. It also tends to lose moisture quickly, so it can look dull and feel dry.


  • The LOC (Liquid, Oil, Cream) method is your best friend. 
  • Heavy Creams and butters are also great at filling the gaps in the cuticle, preventing the moisture from leaving. 
  • Use anti humectants in hot and humid weather to seal the liquid and prevent it from absorbing excess liquid
  • Avoid heat
  • Deep condition or do a protein treatment every two weeks. 
  • Rinse your hair with cold water to help close the cortex of the hair
  • Mix conditioner with Aloe Vera Juice
  • Use a mixture of glycerine, aloe vera juice and water. Products recommended for high porosity hair



  • Olive Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Hempseed Oil

Products with the above heavy oils in the top five ingredients are great for overly porous hair.

Like I, and every other blogger always say, these are all merely guidelines. Your low porosity hair might love heavy creams and hate some of the products I recommended so treat this as only a guideline. Listen to your hair and give each regime a chance, a month or so, before you toss it out. 

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