
In August I found myself needing a change. I wanted to look and feel better and because body transformations require hours of exercise on constant declines of cupcakes, I decided to start with my hair.

I stopped relaxing and started transitioning. Some of you might ask why I didn’t do the big chop, well as much as I wanted change, I didn’t want THAT much change THAT quickly.  I was still the girl who even though shaving your head is customary when a close family member dies, had never had hair she could not tie into a ponytail. This was thanks to crying and negotiating with my very logic driven dad.  My idea of my own beauty had always included hair. 

I transitioned from August- February and in this time, I read blog, watched vlogs (video blogs) and tried to gather as much info as possible on being a natural. In April, I thought I had gathered enough knowledge, so I decided to cut my relaxed hair and embark on my natural hair journey. 

After cutting my hair, i realized how ill prepared I was.I realized was that my tresses were wavy or curly like the girls on YouTube, but instead it was thick and tightly coiled… I had hair that could turn a Hart pot into a mirror.

It was too late to turn back, so I put 6 months of 'Cute Natural Hair Styles' articles aside  and started learning about MY actual hair.

On this blog Ill post recipes, hairstyles, routines, product reviews ... basically everything and anything that I wish I knew before I took the first step on my journey of self-discovery.

Image Courtesy of AdoreDesignCo

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